NYE Princeton West Virginia / Fluidity Performance 2023/24
Performing at Princeton West Virginia.
Video: Roger Gupta
Video Editing: Maria Ekaterina
Music & Fire Costumes created by Maria Ekaterina
Special Thanks to:
RiffRaff Arts Collective
Princeton West Virginia
Aranea Aerials
For Bookings:
Our Hearts are overflowing with gratitude for each second that leads us to now. Each artist refining their act through clear communication shared success, and creative collaborations between our internal and external operations have been a daily gift to get to work with. Thank YOU!
To our Clients who trust us to bring the "WOW" we uphold your vision and support nurturing its success together.
To anyone looking to work with Fluidity Performance in 2024 - there is still time! We invite all new clients to visit our website & book a 15-minute discovery call to get things started. For any artist looking to gain performance opportunities, visit our website, and submit your application for us to review.
Our Dreams are growing, and so has the team to make the dream a reality. Visit our website to see the new storefront for the year 2024.
We look forward to serving Virginia and surrounding states in the upcoming year! https://www.fluidityperformanceentertainment.com/